Road Changes: Movement of emergency vehicles a key consideration

Media Replies 05 Jan 2023 North South Corridor (NSC)

We refer to the letter from Mr Wong Chung Jeu (Congestion due to North-South Corridor works shouldn’t affect emergency vehicles, Dec 27).

Ensuring the safety of all road users and those carrying out the construction work, while minimising disruption to stakeholders, is a key consideration in the planning of our works. Before any infrastructural works and traffic diversions, we engage stakeholders in the affected areas and implement mitigation measures as much as possible.

For the reconfiguration of Thomson-Newton-Moulmein junctions, we worked closely with key stakeholders during the planning stages. We engaged the Singapore Civil Defence Force, Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Mount Elizabeth Novena Hospital and Thomson Medical Centre to seek their views on the changes and suggest possible alternative routes.

After the changes were implemented, we also provide them with timely updates on traffic conditions, such as incidents that may lead to traffic congestion and affect their emergency services. We are monitoring the traffic impact and our feedback channels closely, and will do more if necessary. We are grateful for the strong support from our partners.

We understand the inconvenience that these works may have caused to residents, such as Mr Wong. We seek stakeholders’ understanding that despite our planning and mitigation measures, there will always be some level of disamenity and inconvenience while works are in progress.

Road users also have a part to play in ensuring smooth traffic for emergency vehicles. We urge all road users to continue to be gracious and abide by traffic rules at all times, including giving way to emergency vehicles.

V Venktaramana
Group Director, North-South Corridor
Land Transport Authority

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