All gantries will continue to have no ERP charges until 26 July 2020
The Land Transport Authority (LTA) has completed its first review of Electronic Road Pricing (ERP) rates following the Circuit Breaker. Based on LTA’s monitoring of traffic conditions, traffic speeds on expressways and arterial roads in early June 2020 have remained optimal. ERP rates at all gantries will therefore remain at zero until the next ERP rate review.
2 LTA had resumed the ERP review process on 2 June 2020, in tandem with the gradual re-opening of Singapore’s economy. With the move into Phase 2, LTA will continue to monitor traffic speeds and congestion levels closely. This will enable LTA to identify locations with congestion and determine the appropriate ERP charges.
3 The outcome of the next ERP rate review will be announced in the fourth week of July 2020, and the appropriate ERP rates, if any, will take effect from 27 July 2020.