Vehicle Owners Are To Abide By Safe Management Measures
The Multi-Ministry Taskforce announced on 19 May that it will allow economic activities to resume in phases, as the Circuit Breaker measures are gradually eased. From Monday, 8 June, 2020, LTA-Authorised Inspection Centres (AICs) will resume vehicle inspection services for private cars.
2 Vehicle owners who have had their inspection deadlines deferred previously due to the Circuit Breaker measures will receive a notification from LTA. Vehicle owners are strongly encouraged to adhere to the scheduled month indicated in the notification from LTA. They should also avoid weekday peak hours from 10.00am – 2.00pm where possible.
3 We also strongly encourage vehicle owners visiting the AICs to go alone, and not in groups. They must also abide by the safe management measures which have been put in place. These include:
- Using SafeEntry to check-in and check-out when entering and leaving the AIC;
- Wearing a mask; and
- Maintaining a safe distance from others.